🤖 spaCy and callbacks

Hammurabi in spaCy 2.X pipelines

We provide native support for spaCy through the SpacyCore object. The SpacyCore object can simply be integrated into your existing spaCy 2.X pipelines.

from hmrb.core import SpacyCore
core = SpacyCore(callbacks=CALLBACKS,


SpacyCore takes a dict of callbacks, an optional function that converts spaCy doc type (to_json) to a representation that corresponds to your rules and a bool whether to sort and execute in ascending order according to match length.

Once the object is instantiated, you can load rules using the .load method.

Hammurabi in spaCy 3.X pipelines

We also provide native support for spaCy 3.0+. You still have to import the SpacyCore object to run the component registration and the configuration syntax is slightly different versus 2.0.

We follow the new custom pipeline component API under spacy.language [Link]:

First, we have to register both our augmenter functions map_doc and any callback functions we would call in spaCy’s registry.

Second, we have to create a configuration dictionary that contains the rules and references the callbacks and mapping functions as shown in the example below.

Finally, we can add the "hmrb" pipeline component using our configuration to the spaCy pipeline.

from hmrb.core import SpacyCore

def jsonify_span(span):
  return [
     {"lemma": token.lemma_, "pos": token.pos_, "lower": token.lower_}
     for token in span

def dummy_callback(seq: list, span: slice, data: dict) -> None:

conf = {
    "rules": GRAMMAR
    "callbacks": {"my_callback": "callbacks.dummy_callback"}
    "map_doc": "augmenters.jsonify_span"
nlp.add_pipe("hmrb", config=conf)

Handling Callbacks

Callbacks allow defining a custom action to be executed upon matching. There are no restrictions on how callbacks can be used, but we provide a few handy patterns below.


Callbacks can be used to validate likely matches and thereby programmatically extend your rule matching capacity beyond the limits of the grammar.

Example 1 - Validation with Callbacks
 Var cardinal:
     (text: regex("^[1-9]+$"))

 Var particle:
     (text: "st)
     (text: "nd")
     (text: "rd")
     (text: "th")

 Law I_want_an_Nth_icecream:
 - callback: "validate_Nth_icecream"
     (text: "I")
     (text: "want")
     (text: regex("an?"))
     cardinal -> $cardinal
     particle -> $particle
     (text: "icecream")

The above rule would successfully match I want a 2nd icecream. It will also incorrectly match I want a 2th ice cream because we didn’t spell out all valid English ordinal abbreviations explicitly. Instead of writing an exhaustive list, callbacks can be used to filter out false positives post-match. The following callback definition provides an example of post-match validation:

Example 2 - Callback example
     '1': 'st',
     '2': 'nd',
     '3': 'rd'

 def validate_Nth_icecream(doc, span_range, match_data):
     cardinal_offsets = match_data['_']['labels']['cardinal']
     particle_offsets = match_data['_']['labels']['particle']

     cardinal = doc[*cardinal_offsets].text
     particle = doc[*particle_offsets].text

     if ORDINALS.get(cardinal, 'th') != particle:
         print('No ice cream for you!')
         print(f'This is your {cardinal}{particle} ice cream!'

Note how the labels cardinal and particle are used to easily identify relevant tokens in the match.


When working with large nested rule bases, callbacks can quickly start to become very complex. This can be prevented by applying a modular pattern within your rule base and your callback codebase:

Example 3 - Modularity with Callbacks
 Var cardinal:
     (text: regex("^[1-9]+$"))

 Var particle:
     (text: "st")
     (text: "nd")
     (text: "rd")
     (text: "th")

 Law abbreviated_ordinal:
 - callback: "validate_ordinal"

 Law Do_you_want_the_Nth_or_Nth_icecream:
 - callback: "validate_Nth_or_Nth_icecream"
     (text: "Do")
     (text: "you")
     (text: "want")
     (text: "the")
     ordinal1 -> $abbreviated_ordinal
     (text: "or")
     ordinal2 -> $abbreviated_ordinal
     (text: "icecream")

This example shows how you can delegate validation complexity to a sub-rule. The ordinal validation behaviour is logically separated from the sentence validation behaviour. This allows to maintain a more readable grammar and have a cleaner 1-to-1 relationship between logical units, rules and callbacks:

Example 4 - Modularity with Callbacks
     '1': 'st',
     '2': 'nd',
     '3': 'rd'

 def validate_ordinal(doc, span_range, match_data):
     cardinal_offsets = match_data['_']['labels']['cardinal']
     particle_offsets = match_data['_']['labels']['particle']

     cardinal = doc[*cardinal_offsets].text
     particle = doc[*particle_offsets].text

     if ORDINALS.get(cardinal, 'th') == particle:
         doc[cardinal_offsets[0]:particle_offsets[1]]._.ordinal = cardinal + particle

 def validate_Nth_or_Nth_icecream(doc, span_range, match_data):
     ordinal1_offsets = match_data['_']['labels']['ordinal1']
     ordinal2_offsets = match_data['_']['labels']['ordinal2']

     ordinal1 = doc[*ordinal1_offsets]._.ordinal
     ordinal2 = doc[*ordinal2_offsets]._.ordinal

     if ordinal1 and ordinal2 and ordinal1 == ordinal2:
         print('You mentioned the same ice cream twice! I want more choice!')
         print('These are both valid options! How can I choose?!')

Note that validate_ordinal is only responsible for validating the abbreviated ordinal. If successful, it persists its results in the doc object. These will be picked up by validate_Nth_or_Nth_icecream, which does not perform any additional validation of the ordinal syntax. Instead, it checks that the two compared ordinals are different. This example shows how frequent callback usage can be used to achieve better segregation of responsibility.